Pathways to Adulthood Transition Program

Pathways to Adulthood
The TxP2P Pathways to Adulthood program assists families to plan a good life for their sons and daughters with disabilities after graduation from public school, and provides support, information and tools for carrying out this plan.
Training Opportunities
- free workshops across Texas on all major transition topics, led by parents who share their experiences
- click here for current schedule of workshops
- let us know if you would like to host a workshop in your area by emailing
- annual TxP2P Parent Conference includes two days of sessions on transition topics
- teen summit at the annual conference for young people to gain advocacy skills
Call or email our office to connect with an experienced parent who can provide emotional support and help with issues like deciding about guardianship, applying for SSI, and managing school services. Call 866-896-6001 or email
Transition videos
Transition Timeline, starting at age 6
Transition Inventory, a tool to assess where families are in planning for their youth's adulthood
Click on the following links for information on these essential transition topics:
- Emotional Hurdles
- Planning for the Future
- Services and Supports
- Transition in Public School
- Decision making at age 18 & Financial Planning
- Health Care Transition
- Life after Graduation: employment, post-secondary learning, other meaningful activities, home, and networks of support listserv.