Family to Family Health Information Center

“The presentation was full of great information. The speaker had personal experiences to share… very insightful. Really enjoyed it.” — Parent
Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P) has been designated as the Family to Family Health Care Information Center (F2F HIC) for Texas to provide training, resources, and support for parents, family members, professionals, and community members, to better support children with disabilities or special health care needs. F2F Centers assist caregivers so that they can make informed choices about short-term and long-term care for their children, so children can continue to live at home and in an integrated community setting through adulthood. Learn more about the F2F Centers.
TxP2P has developed two resources to help families with their child’s medical care:
Care Notebook - A Care Notebook is an organizing tool that is particularly useful for parents who have children with special health care needs or disabilities. Use a Care Notebook to keep track of important information about your child’s health care. TxP2P’s Care Notebook is a compilation of PDF fillable documents. You can download all or any part of the Care Notebook.
Medical Home Toolkit - In a family-centered medical home, the pediatric care team works in partnership with a child and a child's family to assure that all of the medical and non-medical needs of the patient are met. Learn more about a Medical Home.
As part of this program, TxP2P offers three Regional Parent Conferences and our Statewide Parent Conference. Currently these 1-day conferences are held in Tarrant County in the spring, Rio Grande Valley in the fall, and in East Texas in late winter. Our Statewide Parent Conference is a 2-day conference in June of each year in Central Texas. To learn more about these conferences, go to Regional Conferences or Statewide Conference.